Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Dayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was yesterday. And I was so busy having a wonderful day that I didn't get to blog about it.

Let's see....yesterday....Eric and I slept in. The start to a wonderful Valentines day, of course. When we woke up, we had minor hangovers from the birthday party we went to (and didn't return home until 5am from). Minor! We were super impressed with ourselves with how minor the hangovers were. From the very minute we woke up, we were super cuddly and goofy and "happy valentines day"y. It was awesome to have a day that let us act just as ridiculous in public as we always do in private.

First we saw Wolfman. It. Was. Awesome. The reviews online gave it 2 stars, which is ridiculous! I think maybe the reviewers were thinking they were going to go see a film with some sort of plausible plotline? No way. It's a werewolf movie, plain and simple. And it was excellent. Excellent werewolf movie. Go see it soon.

Before you do though, go see the movie we saw second yesterday. Valentines Day. The movie. I wanted to see it again, right after I saw it the first time. I want to watch it right now, but it would be too anticlimatic. I want to see it every year on Valentines Day, and on no other day do I want to watch this movie. Except I could probably get away with it today. The theater for this film was full of couples being adorable and kissy and petty, and no one cared! Because it was Valentines Day! So we jumped right on that bandwagon and were cuter and better than everyone. We left the theater with big stupid smiles on our faces and held hands and skipped and laughed at ourselves.

Then we dressed up nice and went to La Bella to hear an old friend of mine play the piano. It was beautiful. We drank wine and ate desserts and really enjoyed the lavish atmosphere. Then it was off to Carrabbas for dinner, where we sat next to each other and held hands on the table and unabashedly told each other every detail of how and why we loved each other so much, and what set each other apart from every other person we've ever met. Yeah I know- I'll hold so you can vomit into the nearest trashcan. Are you back? Good.

We visited his parents after that, and then we went back home and finished Lost Season 5 and FINALLY got to see the first couple episodes of season 6!!! The perfect end to a wonderful day.

I'll never have to throw a "Fuck Valentines Day" party again, and I am perfectly happy about that! Hope you guys all had a great Valentines Day as well!!!! LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE!!!!!!

*Lacey Jane*

Valentines Day 2009
Valentines Day 2008 was not blogworthy I suppose, because I can't find any blogs about it.
Valentines Day 2007

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