Thursday, March 25, 2010

I know I promised on Twitter an awesome proposal story blog, but instead yesterday I threw up consistently from 2:30 am- 4:30 pm. I was so weak, Eric was spoon-feeding me ice water a couple teaspoons at a time every 5-10 minutes. I made him read a blog about how much liquid I should be consuming with all the vomitting that was happening (thanks Marcy!) and he took great care of me. I lost 8 pounds and I can't really move today, but I'm about to eat for the first time in awhile! Woo! The pharmacy said the virus was going around. If you get it- the only thing that you'll be able to do medicinally is a suppository. So- there's a warning for ya. :) you guys! My ring is beautiful. I wish I could show it to you with a beautiful proposal story, but I'm blogging from my phone and would like the actual story to have more thought put in it than a cell phone blog post will allow. Plus earlier I tried posting a picture from my phone and sadly it did not work. Hopefully this post will! Goodnight all!!

1 comment:

Criss L. Cox said...

Yay for the pretty ring! Keep getting liquids in your body. get better. Blog from a keyboard.